Serador is a documentary producer working across film, television, and digital content.

Serador has developed for all major broadcasters in Australia and the UK - most recently for ABC’s popular science series Catalyst. A keen storyteller and researcher, Serador is adept at communicating complex ideas with narrative clarity.

As an archive producer, Serador has worked across broadcast, feature documentaries, and museums. He maintains strong professional relationships with multiple institutions, including international footage libraries, domestic broadcasters, state archives, and local historical societies. His most recent feature film, Mozart’s Sister, premiered at Sydney Film Festival 2024.

Serador has researched, provided archive, and written scripts for videos which have reached over 4+million views across social platforms.

Serador currently lives and works on the unceded land of the Arakwal people, the Minjungbal people and the Widjabul people of the Bundjalung Nation, in the Northern Rivers, NSW.